
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Menu Planner

Fix the "What's for dinner?" conundrum with this effortless meal plan system! 

A menu planner that works!!  I have tried time and time again, different ways of menu planning.  I love to cook, but sometimes, I am not in the mood to come up with what we are having for dinner.  This is the best meal planning idea that I have seen.  This idea comes from Better Homes and Gardens.  My family loves it.  Everyone can now get involved in what's for dinner.  

You will print out labels of the foods that your family enjoys.  Then, everyone can simply place the labels in your weekly meal planner that they would like to have.  There are categories for breakfast, meat, veggies, fruits, breads, seafood, and salads.  My family immediately noticed there wasn't a "dessert" I solved the crisis and printed them on a separate color.  You may not be as psychotic as I am about organization, but this is super pleasing to me.

You can choose to put your labels directly onto your refrigerator.  I have this one on a magnetic board, which is then hooked to our RV refrigerator.  Also, I drew the weekly calendar with permanent marker.  You can use any magnetic calendar that you have.

Here is how it works. 

Purchase "gloss white magnetic paper" from any office supplies store.  There are 4 sheets per package for about $10.  These magnetic paper sheets feed right into any ink jet printer.  I promise, I have ran 8 of these through my printer and it hasn't hurt it at all.  This is the coolest stuff to use.  Once you see how neat it is, you will start using it for other things like pictures, etc.

Now, go to to download the label templates for free.  You can either type in your food items and then print, or you can print and then write them in with permanent marker.

Now, simply cut each label out and stick to your fridge or magnetic board. 

Seriously, you must give this one a try.  My kids and my husband now stand at the fridge and move items into meal spots.  I don't have to wonder what my family wants for dinner anymore.......I just have to look at the menu board.

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